Thursday, 15 May 2014

Thanking My Very Special Teacher

        On Teacher's Day today, many will take the opportunity to show their appreciation to the host of men and women who have dedicated their lives to educating the future generation. As a teacher, I know how gratifying it is to be remembered and appreciated. 
        And on Teacher's Day today, I think it is fitting to pay tribute to That Very Special Teacher who has played such an important role in my life, who has moulded me into what I am today, who has empowered me incessantly and who continues to enrich my life every day. She was my very first teacher, who taught me the letters of the alphabet, who read with me all the books in the Ladybird Peter and Jane series. She was the teacher who taught me arithmetic and drilled me in the multiplication tables. Throughout primary school, she learned all that I learned in school, just so that she could guide me through my schoolwork. She gave me "Ejaan" after "Ejaan" and bought me "Kuntum" magazines (and later "Dewan Siswa") to ensure my Malay Language is up to the mark. This very special teacher of mine searched for workbooks, assigned me worksheets to practise on and tirelessly marked them for me. She was not a teacher by profession but she is the most effective and efficient teacher for me. She imparts wisdom, instils values, infuses enthusiasm, ignites passion for learning and inspires me to reach out to others.
        So on Teacher's Day today, I thank you, Mummy dearest, for being the world's best teacher. Thank you for teaching me to be what I am today. Thank you for teaching me to believe in myself. Thank you for never doubting my capabilities. Thank you for touching my life in all ways possible. Thank you for being my teacher.