Saturday 28 January 2012

Tossing to good health

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      "Lo hei, lo hei!" or tossing of the "yee sang"... that's what my parents and I did this evening. We were given a box of "yee sang" by the proprietor of Public Restaurant (he's a relative of ours) and we tossed to good health in the comfort of our own home. Thank you, Uncle Kok.
     As a child, I never delighted in this Chinese New Year must-have specialty. I detested the smell of the coriander and raw fish. So when my grandparents, aunts and cousin dug into the dish with ardent fervour, I picked out only the crispy bits. 
Funny how one's taste buds can change. As an adult, I had somehow developed an interest in this "yee sang". I still keep the despicable coriander at arm's length (or is it chopstick's length?). But I now dig and toss the "yee sang" in search of the elusive raw fish! Sharing "yee sang" with my dad is a bonus as he still shies away from the raw fish. So he'll rummage through his scoop for the raw fish and transfer it to my pile. Mmmm...
 Well, this has been my fourth "yee sang" for this year (the first was courtesy of my boss, the second was eaten at the family's reunion dinner and the third was part of a dinner given by hubby's aunt). I doubt I'd be having any more for this Year of the Water Dragon. So whilst performing the obligatory "lo hei, lo hei", I tossed to good health. Good health for not only myself, but more importantly, for my loved ones  :)     

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